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Who Am I?

I started out as an academic researcher in psychiatry. The goal there was to eventually get my PhD but I discovered that I really loved building database interfaces for our researchers—tirelessly finding ways to make it more intuitive for them to get the data they needed. One thing led to another and I eventually found myself in the Bay Area as a product designer.

I have always loved technology and the joy it can bring to people’s lives. I first became interested in tech as a child playing video games, which has remained a lifelong passion of mine. I was born the very day that the original Super Mario Bros. was released on the Nintendo Entertainment System in the United States, true story. I’ve always felt it was a sign.

My interest in technology has broadened over time, well beyond just gaming. I am very interested in the widespread effects that a connected world brings and in crafting products that not only change how people interact with the world but enhance their quality of life.

Hit me up to chat!